MARTA DIEMAR - Mum. Model for Mother’s Day Shoot. Rose Collection.

To the family and friends’ members of Amy Erbacher, in the past until today you might have noticed looking back at my newsletters and social media images that I have been the main model for all branding lifestyle shoots. I now believe the saying to be true that you truly do wear all the hats when starting a boutique business!

I’m excited to introduce to you a new face to the brand Marta. Marta is a mother of three beautiful children who lives in my home-town Orange, NSW. I always try to support local business and people when I can.

MARTA DIEMAR - Mum. Model for Mother’s Day Shoot. Rose Collection.

Hi, I am Marta, I am a self-proclaimed health geek aka Nutritionist, Horticulturist and a lover of being fit, three things that help me be a mum to my three gorgeous humans, Dash (7), Kinga (4) and Henryk (1). Motherhood has taught me to loosen up a bit and find true belly-laughs in the everyday things. Motherhood has highlighted that I have OCD and how control that with deep breathing but also allowed me to improve on my negation skills, my resilience, and the power of the mind.

Becoming a mother really made me realise that to be a great example to your kids you really need to practise what you preach and love yourself as much as you want to see your kids love themselves.

My kids teach me every day to see things through their eyes and that helps to make life not so serious.

What does self-care mean to you?

Self-care is really important to me because I need to care for me to care for my family. Self-care means listening to my body and doing what I need to do work at my best level.

How do you practise self-care? What does your ritual involve?

As a nutritionist eating well is super important with plenty whole foods in my day. I love a good green smoothie with as many vegetables thrown in that is palatable to the family. 

When the going gets tough, how do you show yourself acts of love and kindness?

I turn to exercise, running especially lets me clear my mind, tackle problems, strategise new ideas or just get negative energy.

What brings you joy in the home environment?

I love to spend time in my garden and create.

What is your most treasured possession with sentimental value? 

My necklace with three round pendants with an initial of each child and my wedding ring - both jewellery pieces make me mindful of my special humans.    

Tell us about your favourite weekend ritual.


First, we start the weekend mornings with a big breakfast playing our favourite music. Promising the family that we will go for a bush run or walk but often cleaning up after the family and spending time in the garden and home doing all the ‘fixer-upper’ jobs.

What lessons have you learned in life?

Be mindful and present. 

The only person you should compare yourself to is your younger self. Really think about and write down your goals - your subconscious will continue working towards getting them achieved. Find the power to be positive even when life tests you not to be … positivity gives you the strength to go on with anything.

Do you have a favourite quote or words you live by? 

Eat Well, Move Well, Think Well, Sleep Well.  

Describe what scent means to you? Do you gravitate towards any particular notes?

I have always loved wearing a scent on a daily basis because as a young girl I remember the power a scent had to bringing a memory of a person the moment you smell their scent. I love and definitely gravitate to fresh floral notes that are effortlessly feminine.

How do you indulge?

As cliché as it may sound, I find true indulgent in getting a facial, a good glass of wine and listening to music loudly!

Where is your home away from home?

Home away from home is the great outdoors. I love the beach, a good bushwalk and smelling fresh air and love taking in all that nature has to deliver.

What are you looking forward to most this year?

Working through my Horticulture course and designing a new garden for my family and friends to enjoy.

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